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Pick your own Pensacola area Strawberry & Blueberry Farms

Pick your own Pensacola area Strawberry & Blueberry Farms

Looking for a fun seasonal activity this spring? Consider visiting a pick your own berry farm to grab some fresh strawberries, blueberries, blackberries or muscadines at our favorite Pensacola area berry farms. As with all the fall seasonal farms, most of the berry farms are in rural areas like Milton, Molino, and Robertsdale so farther away from the city of Pensacola so anticipate a 30 minute to hour drive to reach one of these berry farms. We think it’s totally worth the drive as berry picking is a must do, family friendly event in the Pensacola area.

TouchaBlue Berry Farm

7100 Molino Rd., Molino, FL 32577

TouchaBlue Berry Farm is the largest blueberry farm in Escambia County. From June through mid-July, come pick your own blueberries. They also sell watermelons, which is a favorite local produce in summertime. After the blueberry season wraps up, TouchaBlue Berry Farm grows and sells several varieties of pick-your-own muscadines in August and September.  Follow their social media for hours and information: 

Gardners Berry Farm

21909 Country Rd. 68 North, Robertsdale, AL, 36567

An easy 25 minute drive from Beulah, Gardners Berry Farm in Robertsdale is just north of the Buckee’s exit (an infamous gas station people love to visit locally). You’ll find blackberries and blueberries for picking mid- May through mid-July. Come ready to pick some serious berries as they sell their blueberries by the gallon! Read more on their website.

Blue Basket Farms

8655 Hwy 89, Milton, FL 32570 

Blue Basket Farms is one of the largest blueberry farms in the Milton area and has been in business since 2011. In addition to blueberries, they also have their own honeybees and sell honey. Blue Basket Farms is expected to open by the end of April 2023 and typically remain open through mid-June. Check their Facebook for updates and hours of operation.

Richie’s Blueberries

5060 Ronnie Rd, Milton, FL 32583

Ronnie’s Blueberries is a smaller blueberry farm in East Milton that opened in 2019. Open in June and July, this pick your own blueberry farm offers a pound of blueberries for $2.50. For hours of operation, visit their Facebook. 

The Strawberry Farm

8687 Evers Road, Milton, FL 32570 

The Strawberry Farm in Milton is one of the best places to pick local strawberries. Strawberries are $3 a pound and with such a huge strawberry farm, it’s easy to pick 5 pounds in less than an hour. Keep an eye on their Facebook to see when they are open. 

Our best tips for a good time picking berries

  • Most of the berry farms are in remote locations so plan for the drive. 
  • Due to unpredictable weather and availability of berries, hours of operation vary widely at many of the berry farms and they often close with short notice.
  • Bring your container for your berries. While most of the berry farms offer containers for your convenience, they may run out of or have subpar containers. 
  • Bring sunscreen. Most of the berry farms require full sun for good growing conditions so it gets hot, fast, especially in the summer berry season. 
  • If it’s your first time picking berries, you may want a warning that bugs love berries, too. Don’t be surprised if you pick a berry that’s been half eaten already. Don’t worry, you only pay for what you keep. 
  • Make sure you have plenty of strawberry and blueberry recipes or a plan to freeze your extra berries. You can pick a ton of berries in an hour or two. 

Don’t want to pick your own berries? That’s okay! Here’s our recommendation for where to buy fresh, local berries.  
